With St. Claire's informative lockout/tagout training program, companies can avoid
accidents that account for 1 of every 10 serious workplace injuries. Lockout training is
required under OSHA Control of Hazardous Energy, 29CFR 1910.147, and is intended for employees
who are required to service, maintain, or work around energized equipment. The lockout training
program that St. Claire has developed presents an overview of controls and procedures required
to prevent the unexpected energization, startup, or release of stored energy that could cause
injuries to employees. The training course requires employees to review methods to recognize the
different types of energy hazards on equipment and procedures on how to control these energy sources.
OSHA mandates that employers provide training to their employees to ensure that the purpose and
function of the energy control program are clearly understood by affected personnel. Employees
also acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the safe application, usage, and removal
of the energy controls. St. Claire strives to provide the best information possible in
Hazardous Energy Control (Lockout) documentation and training. The information presented
enhances today's highly trained and knowledgeable workforce. Injuries, illness, and even
death are hazards common to noncompliance with lockout procedures. The training module has
been designed to raise employee awareness and strengthen employee skills when performing
lockout. Remember though, safety is a state of mind, and safe procedures must be practiced on
a daily basis. Below is a partial list of subjects covered in our lockout/tagout training course:
- Identifying main and secondary energy sources
- Identifying stored energy sources
- Written lockout program
- Different types of lockout devices
- Application of lockout devices
- Affected and authorized employees
- Equipment startup/shutdown
- Group lockout
- Shift changes
- Periodic inspections
Many other items are discussed in detail in St. Claire's training module.