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We can design and develop small or large-scale custom applications to fit our client's exact needs. Applications ranging from simple product cost analysis to full-featured automotive database management systems are all a part of our previously completed projects. Our extensive experience and willingness to help reduces the seemingly impossible task of software development to a simple turnkey function.


Automotive Aftermarket Parts Database
Database Management System

This application is designed and built to allow the management of our client's parts database. This is a client-server application and provides the ability of multiple users to manage the database simultaneously.


Trabon Lubrication System Cost Analysis Calculator
Cost Analysis Calculator

Self-installing file containing a calculator that provides you with an estimated cost comparison between your existing lubrication method and a Trabon Centralized Lubrication System by Lubriquip.


Lockout Placard Build Automation
Lockout/Tagout Placard Development Software

Our Lockout/Tagout group utilizes this software extensively in their daily business of producing Lockout/Tagout placards and documentation. In addition to rapid placard development, this software ensures that each placard is consistent and accurate.



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