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St. Claire has produced a wide range of multimedia titles ranging from simple screen-savers to complete custom CD-ROMs. If you have a problem that requires a multimedia solution, we can help. Some examples of our work are shown below.


Internal Operation of Series Progressive Divider Valves
Multimedia Tutorial

Self-installing file containing detailed explanation of Series Progressive Divider Valve operation with a user-friendly interface, animation and step-by-step valve operation instructions.


Injecto-Flo Piston Distributor Operation
Multimedia Tutorial

Self-installing file containing detailed explanation of Injecto-Flo Piston Distributor operation with a user-friendly interface, animation and step-by-step piston distributor operation instructions.


A Technical Documentation Company
Multimedia Brochure

Self-installing file containing a multimedia brochure designed to interactively showcase products and services.


AIAG Auto-Tech
Interactive CD-ROM

We have been producing the Auto-Tech CD-ROMs since AIAG began distributing the Auto-Tech conference material on CD.


Other CD-ROMs

St. Claire has developed a variety of documentation, presentation and other multimedia CDs for many of our customers.



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