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St. Claire provides complete and accurate lubrication analysis that can be integrated with a Total Preventive Maintenance system. St. Claire's team of specialists is experienced with automation, machine tool, and material handling systems. This background and knowledge allows us to understand and accurately identify lubrication and service requirements for each machine or system.

Reliability of mechanical equipment and minimum downtime depend largely on sound preventive maintenance procedures. Machine mounted lubrication diagrams highlight lubrication and service points. These placards provide maintenance personnel with "at hand" data needed to properly service equipment quickly and on schedule.

Each lubrication placard presents the following in large, quick reference format:

  • Clear color-coded graphic layout of the machine
  • All lubrication and filter points
  • Component identification
  • Recommended lubricant
  • Quantity of lubricant
  • Frequency of lubrication

The sample lubrication plans below show St. Claire's ability to supply detailed lubrication instructions for different types of equipment. Please click on each individual image for a larger view of the lubrication plan.

For additional information on lubrication plans or for cost estimates please contact St. Claire.


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